An Unexpected Delivery!

I have returned to my normal early morning walk around the garden. I discovered a parcel of food meals which comprise a variety of prepared ingredients complete with instructions on how to create the meals. I suspect that they had been delivered about 15 hours before.

We had not ordered them. Pat spoke to the suppliers. After a few minutes, the supplier offered them to us FOC and they would arrange for a replacement box to be sent to the intended customer.

Pat opened up the box and examined all of the ingredients and the instructions. All ingredients were beautifully prepared and presented and packed in durable containers and packaging.

We enjoyed a fine lunch and there is another four meals to have.

Late this evening there was a knock on the door and Pat was met by the delivery man delivering the replacement box to the ‘original customer’.

Pat explained that they were not for us and gave fairly detailed instructions to the correct recipient.

They live several miles away, but share the same postcode. Our postcode covers about 60 individual addresses spread over about 30 square miles.

No wonder delivery drivers get confused.

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