Freshly Picked Daffodils

I picked six daffodils on my morning sojourn and placed them in a vase before serving breakfast.

There are thousands in the garden and these six had broken stocks. I blame the young cock pheasants who are squawking their "silly love songs" from 5:00 a.m.

The female pheasants are being modest or are already hitched for I have yet to see any.

Spoke over the wall with Alan F who is self-isolating after attending his second daughter’s wedding. He had come into contact with two guests who had tested positive.

Luckily he had been wearing an FFP3 grade reusable mask. So far he is fine. Masks especially FFP2 and FFP3 grades are excellent protection against the dreaded virus.

The weather forecast for the next two days is for rain and lower temperatures with a yellow warning issued for snow in the northeast of Scotland.

I have just published Graeme’s Wee Word Video to the YouTube Channel.

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