
A wet morning. It's Cameraman's birthday so I took Flora for her morning walk. The overtrousers came in handy. It was OK once we got going and quite still and mild.

By the time I'd got back and we'd had a cup of coffee the rain had stopped and we went for a further coffee at the Glass Barn. And a cheese scone for Cameraman, a GF cheese toastie for me. Wandered into Tobermory and bought some milk to see us through the rest of the week. We're going out tonight for an early dinner as a birthday celebration. We can walk and be back before it's properly dark. Anyway, we have a torch.

Before that I'll take Flora out again for a scamper in the woods. She's being well walked.

Enjoyed our trip to the theatre last night. A fast and furious performance. It wasn't full but there was a reasonable audience.

The chaffinch was just outside the Glass Barn sitting on a piece of old farm machinery.

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