Grubby Primroses

Quite a change in the weather today, as forecast. A good thing really as we still have much to do to get ready for the weekend. I had hoped though to give the lawn an overdue first cut, but I only got as far as wondering whether the mower would start after its winter inactivity before it started to rain. Pencilled in for Friday now when it should be dry again. I need to get the water feature going again too as the grandsons like to see it.

I can tell you that I would rather have been mowing the lawn than fitting sheets to bunk bed mattresses. Mission accomplished now though.

These rather grubby looking primroses in the garden must be something to do with nature as I certainly didn't put them there. The gnome is nothing to do with the natural world, made by a human, or maybe a robot.

Historical Society this evening - The Lives and Works of the Dymock Poets.

One year ago:
Stick To The Rules ....

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