Helena Handbasket

By Tivoli

Breakfast in Bedford

This was the view from my kitchen window today as I made my morning pot of tea and prepared my packed breakfast and lunch for later consumption at my desk.
I don't know if something happened while I was away, or if my colleagues had a sudden attitude readjustment on my return. I did bring Dutch biscuits and novelty chocolate clogs, not at vast personal expense but a nod to the fact that I hadn't forgotten them during my absence.
Whichever, they came across as more friendly and inclusive this afternoon and I was even invited to a birthday party on Friday, which I have agreed to attend.

Separately, the vast majority of our entertainment abroad could only be booked online, and as a result I've been overwhelmed by Dutch customer satisfaction questionaires ever since. We all know what they look like, but I did enjoy this -
1 = extraordinary poor, 2 = very poor, 3 = poor, 4 = largely inadequate, 5 = unsatisfactory, 6 = sufficient, 7 = very sufficient, 8 = good, 9 = very good,
10 = excellent. If you don't have an opinion about a particular aspect, or if it doesn't apply to you, please also indicate this by checking N/A.

Toilets at Paddington Station have a hit-button on exit - you can choose between a green smiley, a red furious or a yellow ambivalent – why would you even hit that middle button? Run out of apathy?

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