Common Enchantments

By MaryElizaR


We went out on our weekly try a new restaurant ride today to Hartsville which is about an hour and a half east of here.  They advertised smothered with cheese beef brisket fries and fried deviled eggs.  Jerry was all about the beef brisket and who doesn't like deviled eggs.  

We were disappointed.   The eggs were so bland they could have just served them cold.  The beef was processed meat that I could buy in the grocery store (but I don't because we don't like it!).   We won't go back.

We decided to visit Kalmia Gardens which was a few blocks from the restaurant so we could get a walk done before we went home.   The garden has a boardwalk into the swamp but also has established flower gardens which are part of the property around the old house.   I tried really hard not to take too many photos of flowers but it did not happen. One collage in the extras. 

We also saw some wildlife..turtles, a blue tailed skink and several of these ebony jewelwing (I think that it what it is!).  Being in a swamp and it being almost too hot today I was expecting to see a snake.  So glad I did not!!

And...I had just commented to Maura about the baby wrens flying away soon so I went out to look at them...they were GONE.   Jerry and I both saw the momma and daddy this morning on the porch railing with food for them but apparently they taught them to fly while we were gone!   Darn it!

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