you wear nice things

You wear nice things you lose nice things
I loved that scarf

Fortunately, Karen bought a second one a lot like it when we got it, 20 years ago, and in three years I'll probably forget. 

The federal buildings in DC are fascinating. Clearly agriculture was hugely important a long time ago. The tiling in the floors, the details on the ceiling, and the incredible SIZE of the building demonstrate this. Commerce mattered enormously. The tile on the ceiling are extraordinary and the elevator doors are stunning. Then you have the Agency for International Development, which is being renovated, and hopefully will not be as horrible as EVERY SINGLE STORY I've heard. 

It was 87 degrees in Washington DC today. !!!! Thanks to the thunderstorm tonight it will be cool the rest of the week. 

There are no cabs anymore. Yes, I exaggerate, but there are very few because of Covid, Lyft, and Uber. That is why I was so late for my meeting this morning. 

I am so incredibly fortunate. All of my Japanese Maples are leafing out, except the one who had no leaf buds. I think it is now a stick, but I'll wait a while just in case. 

Russia plans to recruit another 400,000 soldiers. Good luck with that. They lost how many people fleeing when they tried to draft 300,000? Pretending they can, they need trainers, logistic personnel, and large amounts of equipment. They didn't have it for the previous 300k. They don't have it now. They won't have it for at least years. They don't have the training facilities, trainers, body armor, or money. 

They can't solve the fact that their vehicles are poorly maintained and they lack modern tanks. This is not a a well run country. 

Russia is making progress in Bakhmut, in meters, at ridiculous cost. This is a town none of us had ever heard of and that has zero strategic value. It is also a gross failure compared to their plans to take all of Donbas. 

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