
Chag sameach!

One of my jack-in-the-pulpits lives! My elephant hosta is thrusting giant spears out of the earth. I have wild violets in bloom everywhere. Almost all of my Japanese Maples are leafing. I took the netting off of Summer Gold before doing so would rob her of the leaves the netting was to protect. Joining the red bleeding hearts, the white bleeding hearts are blooming. A big bumble bee was having a wonderful time with my big red bleeding heart. Many of my Japanese painted ferns are out and beautiful and purple. 

I took a wide shot of the current garden and one of the deck for Wide Wednesday but I can show them anytime. I was in DC again and practiced urban photography. I saw an elf. An elf is essentially an enclosed bicycle, a bicycle with walls and a roof. I saw tulips. I have so few tulips in my life that they looked beautiful but fake. 

The new KGB, or FSB, tried to scam the Russian army. Russian soldiers saw an unknown object in the sky on March 30 and decided to shoot it. [Why is the US shooting down things we don’t know what are? Do we really need to start an interstellar war?] It was a drone. It belonged to the FSB. They demanded 3 million rubles for it ($37,500). It turns out the drone only cost 800k-2 million rubles. They were trying to rob the Russian army of 1 million rubles. 

There is another story of a Ukrainian family saving a Jewish girl during the Holocaust and being saved in turn. Zhanna Arshanskaya Dawson was put on a 12 mile march with her family. Her dad bribed a guard to let her escape. She went to the family of a classmate. They took her in. They found her sister was hiding with another family and took her in too. She shared her story with a woman named Marina Orlovetsky. Marina then found the family that saved Dawson and befriended them. When they escaped from Ukraine she and the Dawson family helped the college age student get to the US and into school. The Dawsons in the US had been volunteering with Ukrainian Mothers and Children Transport. 

The nutcase Russian woman, Lvova-Belova, who leads the effort to kidnap Ukrainian children, spoke at the UN. The US and the UK walked out. 

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