Tiny flowers for tiny Tuesday

Brunnera macrophylla grows these gorgeous little forget-me-not like flowers and then leaves you with beautiful foliage. 

We are past the season of crocuses and daffodils and into the season of bluebells and bleeding hearts and hyacinths and wild violets. I think I see my chocolate cohosh growing. I also think the Solomon seal that died last year is up and growing. I see leaves from two trout lilies. The hyacinths and bleeding hearts have spread. Most of the Japanese Maples are putting out leaves. 

The light this morning was beautiful. The temperature and sunshine were perfect all day. So many felonies.

A 35 year old protection officer for Putin has defected. His wife and daughter have also fled the country. He says Putin is terrified of assassination. 

Countries and some of the world’s largest ag companies are donating or lending hundreds of millions of dollars to Ukrainian farmers. Bayer, for example, has provided equipment to remove mines from fields and has donated $2m of corn and vegetable seed. 

Now Ukraine has never admitted attacking inside Russia but there have been drone attacks deep into Russian territory. March 4, Andrew Kartapolov, head of Russia’s State Duma Defense Committee, recommended that Russian companies BUILD THEIR OWN AIR DEFENSE SYSTEMS. 

Thank you so much for watching my video!!!! I’m so glad you liked it. 

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