Good Friday

A quiet holiday. Even the Krachbar* wasn't running any engines or loud music or yelling at his kids.

It rained off and on all day, more and less heavy. I went for a longer walk (finally!) but made the mistake to only take a small umbrella. I could have used a bigger one.
But it wasn't windy and everything was fine, except wet feet and jeans and a dripping coat despite the umbrella.

The extra: The bench I was heading for. It's up on a hill. I don't walk up there very often; more often take the bicycle (which I have to push on the last 800 meters). You can see, it rained on me while I was sitting there. A lot. Good I had my Pfälzerwald-Verein isolated seat-cusion with me (as almost always in winter). At least that part of the body stayed dry.
Not many people were out walking.

Krach = noise
Nachbar = neighbour
Krachbar = my noisy neighbour (only my neighbour, I invented the word for him)

20:00; 9°C

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