
By SpeckledCoast

Soaring the Skies

Clouds over West Lothian today.

It was going to be more of the Sunshine Over Leith film set blip. The filming was in full swing when I passed by this morning and this time I saw and heard both singing and dancing to I'm Gonna Be (500 miles). In fact I momentarily joined a bunch of extras who were a background crowd of onlookers for the dancing scene. I'd wormed my way right to the centre of the crowd but then lost my nerve and made a hasty retreat when it was time to produce the camera. Additionally, the Director kept calling cut and I could see lots of time being wasted between takes and I needed to be on my way to work.

So I decided not to bore you for a second day on the film set, after all, it is said that variety is the spice of life and I like to bring that here.

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