Adam's Images

By ajt


This morning I woke up early, and met my colleagues in reception. We drove to the airport carpark and then dropped our bags of at in the terminal and cleared security before having breakfast - with more colleagues who had arrived. Our EasyJet flight was a few minutes late to board but we set of only a few minutes late and arrived more or less on time, where we met another colleague and then took a mini-bus to this place arriving for lunch.

The site is a former monastery, which has been restored and continues to be restored and functions as a self contained hotel and conference centre on top of hill in the middle of nowhere. I'm told that the price was a steal, and the facilities are functional though a little spartan.

Being on top of a hill in spring means that if you are in the sun it's glorious without being too hot, but it also means if you aren't in the sun, the wind is strong and cold...! The food was good, basically a fresh salad
and I wasn't forced to eat pasta (which doesn't agree with me).

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