Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco


I  couldn't resist this for today because it's the first butterfly of the season.  Well, actually I have seen several Mourning Cloaks over the last month, but this is the first one that was photographable.  These largish striking butterflies overwinter in tree cavities or under leaf litter, going into a state of diapause where their internal functions shut down.  In the spring, males and female come together to mate, with females having two and sometimes 3 broods.  They also live for 11-12 months, making them one of the longest-lived butterflies.  This species is also found in Europe but under different names.  

As predicted, the slightly warmer temps today brought out more bees including the smaller species, under 1/4 inch in length.  Strangely, I am not seeing as many bumble bees as usual, so hoping that doesn't signal some sort of problem.  In addition, to this Mourning Cloak, I also spotted an Eastern Comma butterfly, another species that overwinters in butterfly form.  It didn't stick around for photos.  And the only jumping spider I saw was having no part of photos - he disappeared himself the moment I got near!

Facetimed with my parents this morning and now counting the days until I see them in person!  

Dark with dried cherries and nuts today.  


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