Izzy and Eels at Albert Hall

I took the morning off to go over to the airport to collect Izzy, which would have been an entirely delightful experience if it hadn't been for Manchester Airport charging me £20 to park for less than an hour. Thieving gits.

Anyway, after that we went to Mary and Archies for breakfast, which was perfect, and Izzy was on terrific form, despite the long flight. After that, we headed back home so that she could freshen up.

On to my evening, and, like most people, I suspect - at least those who are familiar with Eels - I first came across them when I heard 'Novocaine For The Soul'. I went on to buy the parent album and its follow-up, and then I found that I'd had enough Eels.

That didn't stop me going to see them on tour in 2005 - a rare gig for me at that time - and even though I didn't know that many songs, I enjoyed it immensely. Great band and choice of songs, and a lot of fun.

Two or three years ago, we bought tickets to go and see them, but the gig was delayed - twice, I think - by the pandemic. Anyway, finally tonight, we went to see the band play live.

I don't want to dwell on it, but it was terrible. Dirgey songs, admittedly performed well enough. We left after an hour without a backward glance.

Still, let's finish on a bum note but an interesting fact. Eels main man, Mark Everett, is the son of Hugh Everett III, the man who came up with the 'many worlds' interpretation of quantum theory.

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