Maid in Wales

By welshmaid50

Ancient Pub

The kind of pub you wish was your local & it is as welcoming to single drinkers as it is to groups.Originally part of a monastic grange , today's Plough & Harrow that sometimes Aussie Landlady Paula can vouch for the presence of the piratical ghosts that many say have been hanging around for centuries.
Ancient low white walls draw you to the front door.There are low ceilings & low lights in the rooms to either side, each with a big fireplace filled with crackling logs & the bar groans with an impressive array of hand pumps with up to 11 ales are served.
Happy yellow walls, original floors, a well loved assortment of furniture . It has a brilliant atmosphere.
My father when he was a young man used to ride his motor-cycle to the pub for a drink with his friends. On the the way back home after one too many, he rode around a roundabout about three times in the wrong direction.We have also visited the pub with Pilipo for a meal when he has visited Wales. If you can pay it a vist it is well worth it.

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