Jebb Avenue

Eglantyne Jebb was a social reformer who founded Save the Children in 1919. She came from a wealthy family and her mother and sisters were all involved social projects but I'd like to think that this road is named for her - it's the only instance of the name in any parts of London and it's where I was working today.

The day started early - I bought my rail ticket at 06:35. After changing trains at Bromley Sarf ("Bromley Sarf, this is Bromley Sarf" is the station announcement which is played whenever a train arrives) I enjoyed a stopping train which found stations I'd never heard of. I got off the train at Brixton station and walked the mile down Brixton Hill to Jebb Avenue. I was on-site at 08:30 and finished by 11:15 in time to reverse the journey. I love Brixton and would love to have spent time mooching around the market but it was raining. Note to self: Take a hat next time. Note to self 2: Comfy as these old trainers are they now let in water through the soles so it might be worth pensioning them off.

Because I started so early I'm knocking the week on the head now - the weekend officially starts here; drive it like you stole it!

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