You Know What I'm Going to Say....

Yup...more rain. And downpours, and hail, and cold. But early this morning there was a glimpse of sun and I had a momentary thought that the forecasters were all wrong!

I spent some of the morning with the grandchildren while their dad went to a doctor's appointment. Odette, 9, didn't feel well yesterday, but we're thinking she's actually dealing with allergies. Who isn't during this miserable cold, rainy spring? Mold, extended blooming times, cold. So she stayed home today and I got to play with the kids for a couple of hours. 

Then off to Portland Community College, where I'll teach Plant ID: Summer Annuals and Perennials this summer. The last time I taught on campus was 2019, having taught the class remotely in 2020 and 21. Then I "retired" which was just as well since mom died last summer. And was asked back to teach this summer. 

I had a terrific ride around with the technician for the landscape technology department. She has a utility vehicle and we went and explored every spot a plant could grow on campus. We met up with a campus landscape guy who knew all where all the perennials were, and weren't. There will be quite a list that will need to be acquired. I teach more than 100-120 plants over the course of 10 weeks and at least half will need to be purchased!

I came across this lovely Brunnera macrophylla probably 'Jack Frost'. I don't usually see it in full bloom in June when I teach! 

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