Pink Version of Blue

Sunny, +13, cold nothern wind. Still around zero early in the morning.

A garden day, for a couple of hours. Mostly some weeding and clearing up last autumn's leaves off the walkway by us.

The wild flower of today is a pink version of common hepatica (Hepatica nobilis) in the garden has developed the buds that will open already tomorrow, I guess, but I won't be there having a photo. Common hepatica flowers quite a short time. I blipped the right, blue common hepatica few days ago, Apr 12th.

This pink version I blipped a year ago with the story of its way to our garden, see May 13th. As you see it flowered last year almost a month later than this year. It's said that the cause of the changing colour is a small and harmless genetic error, but I haven't really read about it. But it's so sweet, isn't it.

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