The Flying Lemons have Returned!

Another summer regular at the Back Porch Cafe has returned, the Gold Finch.  Another blipper calls them "Flying Lemons" and I've purloined the name because they do have a lemon shape and color.  Since we are on a bit of a "color co-ordination theme" the last couple of days, may I point out how Lemony Snicket's toes match his nose beak?  Unlike the other customers at the cafe, Lemony doesn't grab a seed and scoot, he sits and feeds for some time, glancing around from time to time, like he is doing here.  John will be here today to continue the yard clean-up.  We/he have to get as much done this week as possible since next week looks rainy  most days.

Gift#109: the fun of making up silly names.

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