
By Poppy

Fingers crossed . . .

The contrast between yesterday and today is unbelievable! Yesterday was freezing cold and blowing a gale, today it is warm and sunny and flat calm! The mail that couldn't get here yesterday has been sent up by boat, so today's post has overtaken it! That meant Mike got home in time to go dancing this evening, but means a double delivery for him tomorrow.

Ollie and I spent all day outside. Managed to get lots of gardening done, some grass cut, pricked out some broccoli and even risked planting out the cabbage seedlings. I hope they will survive - fingers crossed. Still no sign of the carrots emerging, or the beetroot! The onions and shallots are doing splendidly, so we may end up living on them!

At this time of year there are blue bells growing wild all around up here. These are at the top of the slip, next to where the dinghy sits. I just can't get over the colour of the sky . . . Fingers crossed it will be like this all weekend!

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