
By avilover

Spirit bird

Cassin's Vireo. This bird was once grouped with the Plumbeous and Blue-Headed Vireos as one species, the Solitary Vireo. They are all very similar, but with distinctive differences in appearance and general distribution. Cassin's sports yellow flanks and lives primarily in the far western United States. The species a very common summer resident in Yosemite Valley. They're easier to hear than to spot--they sing a song to the cadence, "Question?...Answer!...So what!!"

People ask me all the time what my favorite bird is. With ten thousand of them flying (or swimming, or waddling, or scurrying) around, it's not a question I've ever known how to answer. I balk at it most times. Yet if it came down to it, I'd say Cassin's Vireo is my favorite bird. Around three years ago, I went through the most difficult emotional experience of my life. I had no way out and I was plummeting. I turned to a very close friend for help and he told me, Whenever you feel you cannot go on, take a deep breath and go to a place in your mind where you are happy and at peace. I chose to go to this bird and listen to it sing. After that, Cassin's Vireo had no competition for the most precious bird in my life.

This is one of a nesting pair I discovered today near Happy Isles. The male continues to sing even after he has paired with his mate--a photo of that here. My first blip of the species is here.

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