
By avilover


Today was a maintenance day mainly: irrigation, cultivation, cleaning. Not a whole lot to photo-document, or maybe I was missing something in the distracted state I could not shake myself from. My hours of sleep have not been enough for my hours of work--the result is that I'm wandering around in a daze going, which onions am I supposed to water again? I've been trying to get to bed earlier but it's somehow difficult to decompress from the day in a timely fashion--as we say around here (sometimes joking and sometimes not), there are not enough hours in the day.

I went about after work looking for something at which to point my camera; my favorite thing was this cool bug I noticed in a row of collard greens. One of the aspects of my farm life here that I enjoy the most is discovering new insects all the time. I think the large variety of crops we grow here helps with that--I find different bugs on different plants. There are even differences in insect species on different varieties of lettuce. When we wash the green leaf, we get lots and lots of long black beetles with orange heads floating in the sicks; yet the oak leafs offer mainly ladybirds, and the red leaf lettuces usually just slugs. The brilliant creature above is one I had not seen until today.

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