Desperately seeking

By clickychick

Just For A Scone

The Menfolk have been saying for years that the scones at Nichol End are amazing beyond belief. I vaguely remember going to the cafe, but not the scones. Today we decided to make this our Wednesday trip.

Well, they had about 7 different flavours of scone (not cheese) so THe Men chose sultana. I rather fancied an Easter scone, fruity and spicy! It was enormous. I ended up giving half to The Man to eat. Everyone coming in was asking "Is this where you get the scones?"

Apart from visitors to the cafe, the lake was quiet, not a boat out.

There was another village AGM today, the church one. I sat on the back row. I was safe, as a "newcomer" I wasn't eligible for a job. As it happened the man who nominated me to be a secretary on Monday was also at this meeting. He had found a loophole and guess who he nominated for a job?

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