FF - Bleeding Hearts

I was woken early this morning by the sound of heavy rain. We ended up having 10.4mm today, mostly before I’d had breakfast! I thought I drive into town first thing to drop off a lot of scrapbooking stuff to the charity shop and was left standing outside in the cold until they opened 15 mins late (I’m sure that Norfolk has its own time zone!). When I got back I took a few photos of my bleeding hearts and edited them later in the morning. I also put this photo in the ArtCard app as it was still looking flat. They almost look like two dancers in the rain. This afternoon it was the U3A photography group meeting including a superb talk by one of our members on aviation photography, all photos having been taken by him as part of his job from nearby aircraft, often jets. What a superb level of skill he has, and a strong stomach! 

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