The 'Buitenwegse Molen', Oud Zuilen

'Buitenwegse' (adj.) = 'Buy-tun-wegh-suh' -- on the 'outside' road, presumably referring to a road outside the built-up area, said built-up area as it was in 1830, when this windmill was constructed.  Today, this 'outside' road is a real honest-to-goodness genuine narrow long-winding dike, the type where one cannot park one's car, except if one is lucky to find a wide spot close to someone's driveway, which I fortunately found.  From there, it was a relatively short walk to the mill itself.

Perhaps in a fit of rage or simply out of a fascination with flames, someone thought it would be fun to set this windmill on fire.  In 2016, that is exactly what happened.  It took a year to reconstruct.  I saw the photographs on display -- it was awful!  It looked like a person that had been bound to the stake and set alight.  I am trying to understand what kind of thrill that can give anyone, to put a torch to a beautiful thing and gaze in wonder as it burns.

All that is in the past, and when I looked at it now, there was not a single trace of the fire.

Shot early in the afternoon, when the weather was at its sunniest and warmest.  Just now, we had a thunderstorm.  It has finished and blown away and the patches of blue have come back.

Thankful for an easy day of gaming, some housework, lots of tea.  Oh, yes, and mail from the Viking.  Nothing to give me a sleepless night.  Thankful again for my life now.  I might be repeating that more often than I intended, but I do mean it.  Thankful that I live here and not there.

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