
By Ellem

Nerve plant

Or Fittonia as I believe it’s called. It’s doing very well in its little spot in the bathroom, just need to keep turning it to try and get it to grow evenly.
Waited in all morning for a call from the doctor, eventually called at almost 2pm… by which time I’d done the housework, cleaned the hall carpet, and gone through my wardrobe trying everything on to sort out what fits and what doesn’t and what can go in the annual Slimming World big clothes throw for Cancer Research. Trying everything on has also given me a lot more ideas for what I might write for my course homework this week and I’m mulling over a few ideas that might work. I usually know straight away, as soon as we get the assignment, what I’m going to write about and quite often my reluctance to stray from that original idea causes me no end of grief. So this term I’m going to try not to do that and be a bit more flexible :-)

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