
By Ellem

The Dighty Heron

Cycled to slimming group early this morning along by Dighty Water. I’m always on the lookout for the Dighty heron who’s such a master of disguise that I’m often looking right at him and don’t realise it until he moves!
Today he was standing on the path almost directly in front of me so I slowed right down as he walked towards the grass to my left and as I reached into my pocket for my phone - off he went…
On the way back I stopped to take this photo of the heron painted on some kind of substation or something and as I turned round to get back on my bike, there he was standing in the reeds just behind me. Couldn’t make it up!
When I got home I did the washing and got it all hung out to dry in the ‘gentle breeze’ (wasn’t very gentle when I was cycling into it..) then I set about painting the fence. It’s currently medium oak and I’m painting it grey as the new fences we put up round the back are grey and I prefer grey to brown. It looks like the one coat paint is going to need 2 coats to cover the brown and the other fence paint from last year is probably going to need 3 coats. It’s going to feel like painting the Forth Bridge…
I’ve changed direction once again on my writing course homework but pretty sure I’m sticking with this latest idea. Have to really if I’m to have any chance of finishing and submitting it before class on Monday:-))

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