Rhoi pethau mewn trefn

Rhoi pethau mewn trefn ~ Putting things in order

“You don’t have to sort of enhance reality. There is nothing stranger than truth.”
― Annie Leibovitz

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Treuliais i'r rhan fwyaf o'r diwrnod yn ffeindio ac yn didoli. Mae'n ymddangos bod lot o waith fel 'na. Mae rhai o bethau'n syml... Mae llawer o hen jariau gyda ni mewn disgwyliad o wneud jam. Roedden nhw'n angen didoli. Ac mae rhai o bethau yn gymhleth... Roedd rhaid i mi fynd yn ôl i hen bapurau teulu i geisio ffeindio cysylltiad rhwng fy nhad a chyfeiriad ar hen bolisi bywyd.  Tystysgrifau geni, tystysgrifau marwolaeth... Rydw i'n jôc bod rhaid i fi geisio gorffen gyda stad fy nhad cyn rhaid ein plant yn dechrau ar stad fi... Efallai y bydd y stori fach hon yn para am ychyd

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I spent most of the day finding and sorting. There seems to be a lot of work like that. Some things are simple... We have a lot of old jars in anticipation of making jam. They needed sorting. And some things are complicated... I had to go back to old family papers to try and find a connection between my father and an address on an old life policy. Birth certificates, death certificates... I joke that I have to try to finish with my father's estate before our children have to start on mine... This little story may go on for a while

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Jariau a welir trwy botel barugog
Description (English): Jars seen through a frosted bottle

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