Life through the lens...

By ValC

UNESCO World Book Day

The day was chosen as it is the anniversary of the death of William Shakespeare.

It provided me with a good title for my Blip today as I wanted to show you the book Jennie gave me for my birthday.
I’m not sure where she found it but I will certainly enjoy reading it.
It is full of Selected Writings. An anthology entitled
‘ The Joy of Walking’.
It includes poems and prose by over thirty authors, including Thomas Hardy, Jane Austen, Mark Twain, Charles Dickens, Charlotte Brontë, and of course William Wordsworth ‘s poem
‘ I wandered lonely as a Cloud’.

The map you can see is Cornwall, and shows part of the coastal path we will be walking in a few weeks time.
This is going to be a little book to treasure.

Today is also St George’s Day although people in England don’t celebrate as the Welsh, Irish, or Scottish do when it is their special Saints day.

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