Place: Largo, FL 67/81
Main activity: Tues - misc
Notes: Awake early-ish ... tried to sleep more but this time it didn't happen. Up and had coffee, decided mid-morning to go try to find some seed trays and microgreens seeds - easier said than done. Got one packet of seeds from Lowe's and grabbed another of a lettuce type, no seed trays to be found. Didn't really want to use plastic anyway so headed home and put them in glass and the lettuce in my little terra cotta planter. Me and plants have never been a thriving team but my sprouts do so well (harvested a tray today) that I wanted to try again. Went to the pool briefly, mostly cloudy which felt quite nice. Shower and prepped some broccoli to steam. Decided to listen to my short light language files and was cooler in the bedroom so laid on top of the bed, and wouldn't you know, 2 hrs later ... Made my steamed broccoli and had a big bowl of tofu broccoli slaw (prev. frozen). Still tired at night, tried to stay up as late as I could.

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