Place: Largo, FL 70/85
Main activity: Wed - errands
Notes: Weird day. Awake and then back to sleep until around 8a again - just crazy! Headed out mid-morning to knock some things off the list: Walmart, Goodwill (sort of found what I wanted but no one ever came to checkout so I left my things on the counter - and it's one of the crappiest Goodwill's I've ever been in). Stopped at the Publix between there and Food Patch but was an awful store, didn't buy anything. On to Food Patch - finally got the last piece to try my homemade healthy jam w/ no sugar (should be interesting!). Back then and went to the familiar Publix and got the last few things I wanted. I think I've spent more on food the last 2 weeks than ever before in this time span. Went to the pool briefly when I got back - hot. Showered and decided I wasn't hungry yet and then thought it might be a good day to fast. Read for a couple hrs, meditated, then watched some shows in the evening. Felt very out of it when I was here - all closed up to keep it cooler so quite dark. 

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