
This tree stump has always fascinated me. It’s just a few minutes from our house, down a track that I have walked hundreds of times. It is obviously home for a lot of little creatures but little did I know what was hidden inside it!

I have been interested in the idea of geocaching for a long time, I suppose it appealed to my love of searching things out. However, I have never got round to finding out about it . . . until yesterday when ‘Puffin’ (see yesterday’s blip) told me all about it. I registered and am learning what to do.

It was coincidence that there was a cache marked on the map at the point where Mr P was going to start the next leg of the Pennine Way . . . right by this tree stump! So this morning they both arrived at our house and we all walked down the track to the tree stump and eventually found a little secret hole and a box with a log book in it . . . the cache!

The place we were at is at the point where the mine track up towards Dufton Pike parts company with the Pennine Way, so Mr P went through the little gate and was on his way. We three returned to the house - Puffin to continue with some little adventures until she meets Mr P in Alston. We set off for Colne to take our coffee machine in to be looked at and serviced. I didn’t try any geocaching, I’m not quite ready yet, but we did manage fish and chips in Settle and a visit to the Cheese Shop.

For my own record (and for anyone interested) I have added a photo of the shortlisted books for the Women’s Prize. The announcement was made at 7.30 this morning and I watched it. I managed to predict 4/6 so I was pleased with that. I have only one to read. I may make some comments about the books at a later date.

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