Pictorial blethers

By blethers

Grey, grey ...

Remember a song that went "Bleu, bleu, l'amour est bleu"?  I had it on repeat in my head today, because it actually has a line "Gris, gris, le ciel est gris" (Listen and see if it sticks in your head too). What a contrast with yesterday! But when I left the house at 8.15am to go to Morrison's, there was a blackbird singing in the lane and I paused to record a wee video and it didn't seem quite so dreary ...

My main photo was taken on that shopping trip, as I was putting my messages in the boot in the car park and realised I was being watched by a stern seagull perched on the trolley shelter. I liked the surreal effect of the sheep in the fields below him; it's possible to look at the photo and see a bird in the field on a gate or something similar. Anyway, it made me snigger.

There followed the usual self-righteous torpor as I sat over the remains of breakfast reading other people's blips; I think the only proactive thing I did was do my Italian between coffee and lunch. I had no bread, so I had to rustle up sourdough starter flatbreads - they had a startlingly lemony flavour today, perhaps because I've neglected to feed the starter for several weeks. It's hard to believe they're only flour and water. 

Later, after dozing irresistibly in my chair, I went out to remedy the gaps in today's early shopping with  a visit to the Co-op, a much smaller shop which never quite fills the bill when I try to get everything there but which often comes up trumps with things that go missing from Morrison's. Today it was sinfully delicious non-dairy ice cream with chocolate cookie dough pieces and equally sinful toffee fudge yogurt (I know. Wheesht.) To redeem myself I walked the long way round to the Co, via the shore road, in the rain, and saw these ships (extra photo) perched as it were on the horizon, all in tasteful shades of slate grey. I'm pleased with the texture of the sea, though I don't think it'll be as clear on blip as it is on my computer.

The only exciting thing really was retrieving a spare bread maker (given to me by a neighbour, long moved south, whose wife bought it but never used it before she died) from the loft as my own one seems to be falling to pieces in small but vital parts. Getting it down the ladder was quite exciting, so I've left the excitement of trying it till the morning. Be another breadless day if it fails me ...

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