
It was a packed day today. First was a surprise party at the Taekwon Do gym for Gilles. He's been training at the club since he was 5 years old. I first met him when he was 15 and he's 20 now. A couple of weeks ago he became senior light-heavyweight European ITF Taekwon Do champion. The first Scottish man to do it. The only other Scot to do it is Miss Cross, our instructor who has been training him for 3/4 of his life. Being taught by the very best obviously helps, but without the massive amount of commitment, dedication and focus he has put into his training for the last several years he wouldn't have done it. We're all enormously proud of him at the club and hopefully it's the first of many.

After that we were off over to Porty for Vicky's Birthday party. Loads of great people and it was great to catch up with them all. After that a quick visit to see Sam, Alex and Chloe then home after a long but great day.

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