Behind the Goal

First live football since before the pandemic. Went along to see Spartans play Brechin in the first leg of the Lowland/Highland League play-off. Spartans had a player sent off in the first half - seemed a little excessive for it to be a straight red, especially when the Brechin keeper seemed to do a very similar thing in the second half and it only merited a booking. I think they were both bookings, but if one was deemed a red then they should both have been. It seemed that a 0-0 draw would be a good result to take up the road for the second leg but then Blair Henderson beat the keeper to a cross to head in a 90th minute winner. A familiar name from playing Football Manager when he frequently was a star player in various iterations of the game! Met up with T at the game and then went for a pint afterwards in the Malt and Hops. And earlier we had lunch round at D's. A good day!

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