Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Hot to Trot!

You know you're in Turkey when you have to wait for a tortoise to cross the path on your way to breakfast!
After a night when ridiculously I was too cold in bed and had to put my tights on in bed, we woke to bright sunshine and 16° so had breakfast outside, lovely.
The view is of Babadag, just over 6000m from which I paraglided a few years ago.
Don't think I'll be doing that again this year, but never say never!
The hotel has only recently opened for the season I think so is fairly quiet, no mad rush for sunbeds, we can have two or three if we want!
We did little today but enjoy being warm. I stuck my legs into the pool far as my knees, but it's far too cold for me to swim at the moment. My attitude towards it may change over the week.
We went for a walk late afternoon, around 3 miles but I forgot to change out of my fitflops, they are comfy enough but not very sensible for an all out walk rather than a gentle amble. I'm very aware that it was here, a year ago, that I slipped and broke my wrist and have no desire to repeat the experience. I spotted the Jay in the hotel grounds, they show their vicious side when targeting the nests of the swifts. Too early for that just now though so I'll just enjoy their beauty. The mulberries were on the road outside the hotel, I'm sure I was eating them last year when I was here but these are nowhere near being ripe.

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