Pear blossom

The pear blossom is perfect this weekend. This is an old, large pear tree in the garden. It doesn't fruit much and the fruit is mostly quite damaged, but it still flowers beautifully. The young pear trees in the orchard are beautiful too.

It's been mild and dry, and the morning was quite sunny - a good day for jobs in the garden, though the soil is still very wet and heavy from all the recent rain and P is struggling to prepare the potato bed. Normally they would all be planted by now, but it's been such a wet spring. I've sown French beans, calabrese and more beetroot, potted on another tray of tomatoes and four of J's sunflowers, which were getting very leggy in their little pots, and filled a second large pot with the rest of the modules of rocket. The tub I planted up a couple of days ago is looking good and I nibbled a few leaves as I worked. 

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