Windmill 'Buiten Verwachting', Nieuw-&-St-Joosland

'Buiten' = sounds ALMOST like 'bite-un' = means 'outside' or 'outside of'
'Verwachting' = 'ver-wakh-ting' = means expectation ('wacht' = 'to wait')
'Buiten verwachting' = 'beyond expectation(s)'

The windmill is outside the village proper and the best place to spot it is from the motorway.  This was a deliberate Plan B because it is often positioned with its back to the sun (away from the motorway), so, while a frontal shot is always possible if I park close to it, the resulting shadow doesn't give the best effect.  The real Plan A was one of the Kapelles (again), but when I saw this in this position, I had to grab the chance.  The weather didn't disappoint either.  Parked the car, walked up the small hill, and waded into the grassy meadow to take my shots.

This was late in the morning.  When I got back, it was AW's turn and he took a 6-km. walk while I stayed at home enjoying the warmth of the sun in the living room, 80s music playing from AW's laptop, and my colouring book on the dining table, for a change.  A most wonderful day so far, and then, in the evening, a cc mail from my boss to the IT department to make sure my account wasn't going to be blocked.  Wonder of wonders, the IT department head was online as well and mailed me that everything will be arranged.  Obviously, I'm not the only one opening work stuff in the weekend.  Oh well...  Anyway, when AW got back, I made a couple of bookings.  I think the #1 spot on his travel bucket list will be ticked off soon, and then it will be ticked off on my list as well.

Thankful for a warm day, a dry day, a sunny day.  We haven't had that combination since October last year.

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