
By Brotographer

V - Fluids

Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineers.

Man, what a ***** of an exam. Compared to the four previous ones, Fluids was definitely the low point of the week. This one really polarized people, some saying it went well, some claiming it was gonna make them fail the year. Controversial. Needless to say, it was definitely harder than I expected and I was therefore unprepared. Here's to hoping PJT gives me marks for all the methods I wrote down.

Something's a bit off about the composition / colors of this photo? Hmm... So I took this photo in the morning at 6am, since I wasn't gonna be home tonight. A-Day meant that Ali, Shane and me were going to be studying all night long for a module we'd barely touched (Kris is lucky enough to have three days to study his optional module...). So it was that we stayed in the fort until 2am, before Shane and me crashed on the couches at Ali and Kris'.

Read tomorrow's entry for the thrilling ending to this cinematic saga.

On to the next one.

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