
Friday was a somewhat frustrating day, with a morning waiting in the house (while the sun shone gloriously outside) for someone to arrive to see J at an unspecified time. At lunchtime the appointment was cancelled because of sickness and rescheduled for next week. I also spent a lot of time deep cleaning the under sink cupboard and its contents after P discovered evidence of recent major mouse infestation. I then set (humane) traps, well baited with peanut butter. We caught one that night, but no more since although the shredding of the kitchen paper roll suggests nesting and a family. I expect the smell of disinfectant is putting them off. Meanwhile, I can't put everything back in the cupboard, so we have piles of things dotted around the kitchen and dining area.

The two really nice things in the day were good coffee and half an hour reading Virginia Woolf, and an afternoon walk full of sunshine and flowers. I'm re-reading A Room of One's Own, which I read about forty years ago, and enjoying it more that I did the first time; I also love the Gwen John portrait on the cover. I'd like to return to some of her novels, both the ones I only half remember and the ones I didn't get round to. My short walk along the road to the village and down Vicarage Lane to the bottom of the valley was a delight. In the short stretch from here to the Triangle (village green), I photographed about ten different types of blossom and tree flowers. The copper beach leaves were glorious in the sun and the cherry blossom is perfect. The main photo is of a small tree planted a few years ago in memory of a well-known village resident; the extra shows the white cherry blossom against the copper beach leaves.

This brings me up to date till the end of April, only leaving today's photos to download and catch up. I'm sorry I've done so little browsing or commenting recently - I'm sorting out my photos late in the evening and running out of time for anything more. I hope to do better in May, as always.

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