Fossil Hunting

Firstly I just want to say thank you so much to my fellow blippers for all the stars, hearts and lovely words from yesterday for my 1000th blip. It really does mean a lot!
Today was back down to earth with a bit of a bump as I nearly forgot to get a shot - getting to the big 1K must have scrambled my brain slightly!
So of course that meant it was time to hunt for some random items to make into another still life - in this case the first three things I came across were a tin watch box, two perfume bottles and a couple of rings.
The words on the front of the tin box sum up exactly how I was feeling first thing this morning - like a genuine fossil (certainly not the quality part!). I woke up with aching shoulders, hips, and knees and a crick in my neck and felt about 105 but gave myself a good talking to, went out for an early run to get moving, did a series of stretches and I was back in the land of the living, ready to embark on my next 1000 blips! :-)

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