Toadally Mad

By toadally

Brimstone Moth

This is taken in our front porch in the morning, about 08.45. The night security light attracts all sorts of moths and this one was still there in the morning, quite close to the ground. It was the perfect subject, didn't bat an eyelid (if it has one?) when the camera was shoved in its direction.

By the time I got the lens changed in the Nikon the sun had gone in, so this shot was adjusted for brightness and contrast and I also cropped it quite a bit.

Here's an alternative shot of the moth, taken a little bit earlier with the Canon. I chose the Nikon shot as I think there's a bit more DOF.

European election day today - who to vote for?? Trying to pick the best of a bad bunch.

PS Thank you MissU2 for identifying it.

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