Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Holiday madness

We had a quiet morning today and decided to do some of the pool side activities. We joined a darts competition we'd had a go earlier in the week and although Colin did well, my weak wrist had difficulty throwing hard enough to even stick the dart in the board. Today I used my secret weapon and wore my splint. What a difference - to my surprise I came second! I don't think it was the best opposition, but I was still chuffed. Those mis-spent hours in the common room at college all those years ago were not in vain!
This is quite a small hotel, I've blipped the pool area. There are 6 blocks scattered across the hill side in beautiful gardens. It's a 3 star so has limited facilities, but it's spotless, the grounds are beautiful. The staff work their socks off and the food is good. What is most noticeable though is the friendliness of both guests and staff which is worth a lot. It's also the sort of place where you can leave a handbag or phone lying and come back to it several hours later.

This afternoon Colin's phone stopped working so we went to the small and very modern, tourist centre of Hisaronu which is just a mile away to see if we could find help. There were no phone shops, but the hairdresser was brilliant!
We stopped to ask if he knew any phone repair shops, he didn't, but got one of his assistants who also had an iphone to have a look and lo and behold between them they managed to start it again. (We think the brightness had been turned right down so the screen was black!) It wasn't anything difficult but C was very pleased to have it working again and for no charge. I've also got a 20% discount voucher to have my hair or nails done!
All in all we had a very pleasant time in the town which is not somewhere we would normally go. It's early season still so everywhere was quiet. People were so friendly.
This evening, I think I must have taken a silly pill as I decided for the first time ever to join in a karaoke session. Not a thing I've ever done before. I'm pleased to say that not every note was flat - I'd forgotten how difficult it is to sing to a fixed backing track which you haven't heard before! Our timing was different at times! Still, now I can at least say I've tried it.
We had more of our strawberries from yesterday's market with our dinner. They tasted so good.

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