Bearded Iris V5

We had another chilly, overcast day with periods of rain. Millie and I slept in until 8:30. The birds were hungry so I fed them first. While I was outside, I picked enough kale for Zuppa Toscana, tomorrow’s dinner. Hubby got me the Italian sausage yesterday. That will warm us on these unusually cold days. Also got this shot of what should be my last Iris blip. Tonight it will be German pork chops that are in the crock pot. I cleaned up the kitchen mess. After lunch and a shower, I went to pick up Mancil for his monthly doctor’s appointment. We were the only folks there which is totally unusual. We typically are in the waiting room for an hour. Taking him home was my last task of the day. Hubby mowed and aerated the lawn. He also weatherproofed his tent. Let’s hope it works. He has gotten most of the mud out of most of his camping stuff. He finds more stuff every day. He’s cleaning up his tractor, blowing the grass off the sidewalk and driveway. Then he will also be finished for the day. Hope you felt your day was productive. Stay safe. Thanks for the visit.“Every day is a new canvas, and you have the power to paint it with colors that inspire you, just like an iris.” -

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