Just one

Narcissus poeticus.   Autumn 2020 I planted a clump of these in the garden, the next year I had a good show of flowers but in 2022 none ... so this is an improvement!   It's my favourite narcissus.  I showed some cut flowers a little while back which are similar but the true species has slightly smaller flowers which rarely appear before early May.  It has a distinctive and beautiful scent.

A recovery day of sorts.  Working in the shop is less tiring than the cafe but it was a longer day.  Afterwards I cooked tea, including cauliflower cheese, a favourite.  Then a walk for Meg down Gwalia where on returning we met another dog that she has begun to get to know.   An hour or so with Jamie, working out how to sort a problem, then home again.

Ruth continues to feel better although by no means fully recovered.  There's still one scan to be done in the hospital but they're also still taking bloods daily, looking for improvements there.  Hoping she'll be home before too long.   Her continued stay is causing problems with cat care so I will be heading back to Birmingham again Thursday (today as I write this just after midnight.)   I should be back for work on Saturday but possibly straight from Birmingham.  Madness comes in many forms :-/

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