
I remember complaining on blip about my difficulty taking pictures of yellow flowers. Now I know a circular polarizer helps, but a circular polarizer and underexposure helps more!

I got out my lights and I found a charger (whew!) AND I found the cord that connects the charger to the outlet!!! I'm on a roll!! 

There were four cop cars in front of my house last night. Keep in mind that it is only a two lane road. One of them was dropping an f bomb with every sentence he yelled. Seriously dude, if you're going to curse, mix it up. I have no idea what was going on. 

Today an oil depot located ear the Kerch Strait Bridge, which connects Russia with Crimea, caught fire. It was allegedly attacked by a drone. 

Drones supposedly attempted to assassinate Putin today. No casualties. No material damage. Putin wasn't even there. There is a sign near the Kremlin that bans drones. It might suggest that the drone contest on May 9 will be exciting. 

Belarusian volunteers are laughing at how one of their commanders tricked the Russians into shooting at themselves. He found a radio, pretended to be Russian, and gave false coordinates for a mission. Thousands of Belarusians are fighting for Ukraine in hopes that the defeat of Russia will help their country too. 

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