
I love this date. May the 4th be with you.  I'm a huge star wars fan. This is the reason the jedi is the jedi. He was supposed to be named after Darth Vader. Mr R  wanted it as his middle name and not as his first. And for those that don't know he is Carson Anakin ...  and Anakin was a pretty awesome Jedi until he crossed to the dark side. My wee Jedi will always have the good 'force ' . 

It was a very early start this morning.  The wildling that never wakes early woke me up at 4am as she couldn't sleep. No idea what was up with her. We ended up coming downstairs after a while. And the cheek.... she fell asleep again just before 6am. 
I am tired . And will be going to bed early.  I say early but Mr R won't be home until fter 8 tonight.  

I had a good morning at work. I did have to wear some special arm protection for a while after a wee incident. Tomorrow will be better . I love working with this student.  

Harp got a letter from school today for some settling in hours and to go for a play. How is my baby girl going to be 5 soon. 

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