River of Flowers

By doffy

Sea & Sky & Sunshine

After dropping off a few more plants for the NSPCC Plant Sale, came home and pottered in the garden. Had a long chat on the phone with our T, then decided to have a quick walk down to the beach, haven't been there since 27th April 2013 - exactly a month ago!

It was another lovely sunny morning, our second in a row. The sky was a clear blue and there was a bit of a breeze, by 8pm the breeze has grown into a howling gale.

There were lots of little boats and yachts in the bay and if you go LARGE you'll see a few big ships out to sea, sheltering from the gales no doubt. It also looks as if the tourists are out in force, the roads are certainly very busy.

Had a busy afternoon moving my cold frame and the tender plants out of MrD's trailer and putting them in the shelter of the garage. After dinner I decided to give the whole garden a good soaking with the hose pipe, my efforts with the watering can have been ok but the garden needs a good drink. It is promising rain tomorrow but that will only do the garden a great favour.

Hope everyone's getting into the swing of the bank holiday and have an enjoyable evening!

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