
When the date of the Coronation was announced I promised myself I would go to London, camp out and drink in the atmosphere.  However the last 6 months have been rather strange so the idea went out of the window!  

However we watched it on the TV and I found most of the coverage quite moving, and GB doing what GB does best.  I was messaging a friend and she sent me a picture of her watching with her royal mug!

OH last day of golf was rained off so he was home a bit earlier than planned.  No.1 and I got a few jobs done on our list and after watching the coverage, headed off to George to take back most of what we bought on Thursday.  I found No.2 a bin for cat litter, bargain at £5.00 but when I got to the till it was even more of a bargain, reduced to 80p !!!

Rained most of the day so it was probably not a bad idea that I didn't venture up to London to watch?  Maybe next time.........  I was feeling a bit meh that we didn't have a street party or anything planned but I think it would be a rather damp affair if we did?

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