
By KCNQ2Haiku

Oh no :-(

Tried to watch the King,
brushed the dog to keep him calm..
found a horrid tick :-(

This tick properly freaked me out, we were watching the coronation, Ben had wanted to see the fuss.  I was brushing Leo to keep him settled and found a lump on his head.  Further investigation revealed wiggly legs under the lump. Yuck yuck yuck. Found tweezers and did the 90 degree pull thing but I was so worried that I might have left some parts behind that I took a photo.  I'm very sorry that I'm subjecting you all to this but it is the most memorable thing that happened today (by some margin!) We have a 24/7 vet call/phone line thing with our insurance so I called and they calmed me down!  We'll keep an eye on him for a while but so far so good :-)  
In other news, a dog jumped up and stole my treat pouch today (how rude!) And I'm wondering if I need to wear one on my neck/collar rather than my waist.. Mr KCNQ2Haiku says it would then be a chin pouch, not a treat pouch.. which makes me smile but also doesn't help me decide what to :-D

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